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New DFG project "Building an substaining a community for the Open Encyclopedia System"

DFG funding for building and substaining a community for Open Encyclopedia System

News from Sep 08, 2024

Freie Universität Berlin receives DFG funding for a project to establish sustainable structures for exchange and collaboration between users of the Open Encyclopedia System (OES) in the form of an OES Community (cf. DFG GEPRIS) The projects aims at initiating and structuring processes that enable the OES user group to develop sustainable solutions for infrastructural tasks in a deamnd-orientated and collaborative manner. The project will start in 2025.

Since 2019, various online reference networks have been realised with OES, increasingly by institutions/projects outside the FU. The provision of open source software developed in-house and its use and further development by third parties is accompanied by new challenges in terms of a coordinated  development at different locations in line with the needs of (potential) OES users and the sustainability of the software. This process of transition from "centralised" to self-organised structures based on the division of labour and participatory communication forums will be supported and moderated by the project.

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