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Job vacancy at the Center for Digital Systems (CeDiS)

News from Mar 30, 2016

The Center for Digital Systems is hiring a Software developer for the project “Open Encyclopedia System” on part-time basis (70 %) in Berlin starting 1 May. The position is limited to three years and offers interdisciplinary and challenging tasks in the areas of history, culture and digital humanities. As a team member of “Open Encyclopedia System” you will develop software for configurable online-encyclopedia and will work in a highly international, competent and motivated research environment.

Based on the encyclopedia of the first world war "1914-1918-online", you will develop new workflows, and tools for building, publishing and maintaining scientific reference works. With focus on the functional development of the existing publication environment of "1914-1918-online", we will produce an interactive research and publication environment.

For more details, please visit: http://www.cedis.fu-berlin.de/cedis/stellenangebote/CeDiS_OES_2016_03.html

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