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Germersheimer Übersetzerlexikon (UeLEX) launched

News from Nov 18, 2022

UeLEX relaunch

The "Germersheimer Übersetzerlexikon UeLEX" (Germersheim Translators' Encyclopaedia) is an open-access interdisciplinary online reference work that has been in existence since 2015. The core element of the lexicon is formed by translator portraits, i.e. scholarly essays, some of them very detailed, in which the biographies and translating work of (historical) persons are critically appreciated who have translated literary, scientific and other texts into German since the days of Luther. The portraits are accompanied by detailed bibliographies of the translators' oeuvre. The reference work publishes the results of historical translator research, a relatively young branch of research in translation studies.

From September 2021 to August 2022, the lexicon underwent a fundamental conceptual and technical renewal as part of the UeLEX Neustart project funded by the German Translator Fund (DÜF) and has been re-launched in November 2022. The switch to the OES software, which has made the UeLEX "fit for the future", required not only the redesign of the database structure but also the migration of data from the old lexicon, the adaptation of the editorial backend to facilitate database maintenance and, last but not least, the redesign of the website. Furthermore, a tool was developed for importing bibliographic data from bibliographies that are compiled manually by the encyclopaedia contributors.

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