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First OES User Meeting, July 28-29, 2022, in Berlin

News from Jul 08, 2022

The 1st OES User Meeting will be held in Berlin on 28 and 29 July 2022, with the participation of many current and future users of OES as well as the OES development team. The meeting provides an opportunity for the exchange of experiences between editors, editorial teams and developers who rely on the Open Encyclopedia System for quality-assured online publications in Open Access. It will also serve to document good-practice approaches, provide a practical introduction to the installation and editorial work with the OES, and discuss existing and future OES features.

The 1st OES User Meeting is a joint initiative of the Center for Digital Systems (CeDiS/UB), the Research Area 5 "Building Digital Communities" (EXC 2020) (Freie Universität Berlin) and the SFB 948 "Helden - Heroisierungen - Heroismen" (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg). Participation is by invitation. The workshop will be held in German.

For more information: www.open-encyclopedia-system.org/community

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