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New features for 1914-1918-online released: Updated Articles and Call for Papers

The project team of Open Encyclopedia System is pleased to announce two new features on 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War: a Call for Papers, and updated editions of previously published articles.

News from Jan 25, 2017

With our Call for Papers function on the website, academics may propose contributions on a select number of topics not yet covered by our invitation-only editorial process.

You can find a list of the open articles here:


With our article updates function, new or revised information can be incorporated into a second edition of the article. A link to the updated version appears at the top of the article so that different editions can be directly compared.

1914-1918-online is an English-language online reference work on the First World War dedicated to publishing high quality, peer-reviewed content. Each article in the encyclopedia is a self-contained publication with a distinct URL and Digital Object Identifier (DOI), making it fully citable as a scholarly publication. As an open access publication, all our articles are freely available online, ensuring a maximum worldwide dissemination of content.

Additionally, the online encyclopedia 1914-1918-online has recently beaten the magic mark of 1,000 articles published online.

Further information about our project can be found at http://www.1914-1918-online.net/.

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