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Autumn went Open Access

This autumn was heavily focusing on issues like Open Access and Open Data. In Berlin for instance, the Senate installed a so-called Open Access office on 1st September. Additionally, several conferences on these issues took place in Europe. Three of them, mainly focusing on the german-speaking community will be referred to in the following news report.

News from Nov 23, 2016

Open Access Days 2016

The german-speaking Open Access community in Central Europe met at the Open Access Days that took place on the 10th and 11th of October 2016 in Munich, hosted by the University Library of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich. It was the 10th anniversary of the annual conference Open Access Days, which generally focuses on target groups and experts from Germany, Austria and Switzerland around the field of Open Access. Attendees from all academic fields were meeting publishing representatives and supporters of academic research and communication processes from libraries to institutes and funders.

This year’s conference issue was the transformation of the (closed access) publication system to Open Access with more than 350 participants.

Most lectures and sessions of the Open Access Days 2016 are available here: http://open-access.net/community/open-access-tage/open-access-tage-2016-muenchen/programm/

Our project Open Encyclopedia System had been represented by two team members, who also showcased the first insights of OES in the form of a poster as a full conference contribution. Although, the conference’s main focus was the transition to Open Access in journal and book publishing, OES could be considered as an important supplement of an elsewise incomplete e-publishing field. The conference poster can be downloaded here: http://www.open-encyclopedia-system.org/downloads/Poster/index.html

For more information on the Open Access Days 2016, please see: https://open-access.net/AT-EN/community/open-access-tage/open-access-tage-2016-muenchen/

International Open Access Week 2016

This year’s Open Access Week was internationally held under the issue “Open in Action” between the 24th and 30th of October. In Berlin, the three big universities Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Technische Universität Berlin teamed up for organizing an exhibition on open access activities of academic institutions from Berlin and Brandenburg.

As one out of 31 contributions, the project Open Encyclopedia System was represented at all three locations in Berlin.

If you missed the real exhibition, you still have the opportunity to view all contributions on this virtual exhibition site: https://rs.cms.hu-berlin.de/open-access-week/pages/home.php?login=true

OpenCon 2016 in Berlin

Last but not least, the satellite event OpenCon takes place in Berlin from the 24th until the 26th of October 2016. ScienceOpen has teamed up with OpenAIRE and Digital Science, alongside two of their portfolio companies, Figshare and Overleaf, to organise this studend and early career academic professional conference that focuses on Open Access, Open Education and Open Data. It can be considered as one of the many international satellite events of the bigger OpenCon that was held two weeks earlier in Washington, D.C.

For more information on the OpenCon in Berlin, please see: http://www.opencon2016.org/opencon_2016_berlin

This year will soon come to an end and so will the conferences, but we are really looking forward to next year, which will come up with many interesting meetings and sessions. Above all, we are very excited about the first OES releases that are being expected to come soon.

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